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🧡 Make a chimp's day!

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Project Chimps is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

It's their time to live.

Scroll down for more ways you can make a difference for former research chimps!

Feed a Chimp

It costs $7 a day to feed each chimp. Your support will provide them with the fresh, nutritious food and snacks they need to thrive, giving them energy to enjoy each day.

Spark Joy

Daily enrichment (puzzles, toys, & new experiences) help boost cognitive & sensory stimulation, foster calm, & spark curiosity by supporting the chimps' physical & mental health.

Support Education

At Project Chimps, caring for chimpanzees is a lifelong commitment. By training the next generation, we help ensure their continued care throughout their lives.

At Project Chimps, our mission is to provide exemplary care to chimpanzees in need while educating and inspiring humanity

Project Chimps provides sanctuary care to chimpanzees who have spent the majority of their lives in research labs.

After living in a lab, the chimps we re-home in our sanctuary deserve everything we can give and more, and your support makes that possible.

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of these former research chimps.
Thanks to you, they can thrive!

Frequently asked questions